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One Student at a Time

I have found that if I focus on one student at a time, making sure I can stand by my assessment and grading with strong reasoning for my comments and feedback, then I have done my job and students are satisfied.


I have used my “Student Information Sheet” from my first year of teaching to the present day. These give me basic information about students, such very valuable information, which I use from day one to connect with my students.


I consider the syllabus to be so very important to a quality semester, and once I have my syllabus thought out and prepared the teaching part is very easy and enjoyable.

Assertive Teaching

I teach aggressively, meaning that I focus on current events and will try different books and approaches if I think they will work to teach the material to my students.





Office Address

334 Frazer Street, Findlay, OH 45840


Office Hours

MWF 12:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M.

1st Floor CBSL (or office by appt.)